Kindergarten Prague 2

In a nutshell

  • Kindergarten for children from 2 to 7 years
  • Opening hours Monday to Friday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
  • Qualified team of teachers
  • Unique educational programme Colourful World
  • Support and development of children’s talents
  • English as a regular part of daily activities
  • Variety of music, art, and physical activities
  • Encouragement of natural curiosity and the joy of discovery
  • Courses: Creative, Sports, Flute, English with our native speaker
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Our premises

The kindergarten found its home in a recently renovated building in Prague’s Vinohrady district. Children will find an environment that is rich in stimuli, but not overwhelming. We always begin with the idea that the “richness” of a place is not related to quantity, but to quality.

The functional space is cleverly divided into five zones for interactive play, leisure, physical activity, dining, and relaxation. To make it even more enjoyable for the children, we have brought in a piece of nature in the form of natural materials and flowers.

The kindergarten is equipped with tools that develop children’s intellectual and motor skills. All toys are made of wood or certified plastic, and we use Montessori tools to stimulate children’s curiosity.



“We value partnership approach to children, but also to us. In all the situations we have encountered so far, we have experienced open and direct communication, which we value very much.”

                                                            mother Saša

“Thank you very much for everything – EduArt was the best choice and we are happy that it keeps confirming this for us. We greatly appreciate the attitude and kindness of the teachers. It is known that our children look forward to kindergarten because of them, they have confidence in them and they like them very much. We really appreciate theater visits. We are excited about sleepovers in kindergarten, which our children often remember. We would like to thank you very much for your empathetic approach to the children, we often discuss a specific situation with the teachers, and it is clear from them that they really care about the children having the best possible time. We appreciate that when we solve anything at home, the teachers try to make us agree, which is a signal to us that our children are in good hands.”

                                                          maminka  Lucie



“We love the staff & feel that our daughter enjoys her time at EduArt. We love events you organize, the amount of attention to details is noticeable.”

                                                                                                 mother Kiki

Price list

Monthly costs, excluding meals.

Valid from September 2024

Half-day (until 1 p.m.)
Standard (until 3:30 p.m.)
Complete (until 5:30 p.m.)
5 days/week
CZK 14 000
CZK 16 000
CZK 18 000
4 days/week
CZK 12 500
CZK 14 500
CZK 16 500
3 days/week
CZK 11 000
CZK 13 000
CZK 16 000


All day: CZK 135/day
Half-day: CZK 115/day

Our team

Ida Smékalová



After graduating from Charles University with a degree in Civil Sector, I gained experience in running nurseries and managing educational projects. I am also a certified nanny. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and spending time with my two children. And at work, I take care of my "third child", which is EduArt. What I like best about my job is that it makes me feel like I'm doing something important. I can see how it affects children every day in our kindergartens when they get to play and discover things for the first time.




I am a mom of a lovable little boy who makes me happy. During my studies in social work at the university, I had a chance to interact with children. I have also been responsible for dance groups for young people, worked in a children's group, and a maternity centre. I have a degree in Early Childhood Education, and I am constantly striving to further educate myself through various teaching courses. Furthermore, I am a speech and language therapy assistant. When working with children, I try to incorporate dance, music, and art into my work. I follow the motto "Not only we teach the children, but the children teach us".




I graduated from secondary school of pedagogy which I am now following up by studying the field of special education at university. So far I have gained practical experience both in kindergartens and school groups as well as in children's homes and day care centers. I worked not only with intact children but also with those who require a certain form of support. I see working with children as mutually enriching. They are a source of inspiration for me and I admire their immediacy. I love music, I am interested in psychology, I like to read books and spend time in nature, preferably with a dog by my side.




Being a teacher has been my dream since childhood. I graduated from the high school of pedagogy in Karlovy Vary and my (self) education is definitely not over. It is very important to me that the children feel comfortable in my presence and that they are not afraid to say anything to me. Trust is key. I also want to guide children to treat themselves and their friends equally and not put other children down just because they are different in something. I enjoy working with children, and I see that as the biggest positive.



Native Speaker

My name is Victoria, and I'm from the UK. I have lived in Prague for almost 8 years and have spent many of that time working with children of all ages, teaching English and Art. My first experience with children was as a behavioural therapist for autistic children, which sparked my interest in communicating with children in general. I enjoy motivating children to express themselves through art, imagination, and playing, and encouraging them to take an interest in nature and the world around them.




I completed my first practical experience in a kindergarten while studying social work at a higher vocational school. I have also worked as a nanny for families and in children's play areas. I enjoy continuous learning, so I expanded my education to include preschool and out-of-school pedagogy. Caring for children has been a constant in my life, and it brings me joy, whether I'm looking after my own two kids or the wonderful group of children in our kindergarten.



School Assitant

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hana, and I am a proud mother of two wonderful children, Andrea and Adam. In the past, I had the honor of working as a nanny in the USA, which provided me with countless valuable experiences. What I appreciate most about working with children are the moments when we create crafts together, which they can keep as a memento and which always bring a smile to their faces. In my free time, I am actively involved in dance and yoga, which bring me joy and energy. I also love visiting theaters, exhibitions, and concerts of various genres, where I find inspiration and relaxation. I look forward to the opportunity to share my experiences and skills with your children.

Kopie souboru Marie Voborníková


School Assistant

I am very glad to have the opportunity to work at EduArt, as I am currently focusing on studying pedagogy at Charles University. Working with children brings me great joy and fulfillment. I love music, play several musical instruments, and sing. I strive to nurture a love for music in the children I care for at EduArt. It’s wonderful to have the opportunity to help children grow and to learn from them as well.



School Assistant

Jsem velmi rád, že mám příležitost pracovat v EduArt, protože se momentálně zaměřuji na studium pedagogiky na Univerzitě Karlově. Práce s dětmi mi přináší velkou radost a naplnění. Miluji hudbu, hraji na několik hudebních nástrojů a zpívám. Snažím se v dětech, o které se v EduArt starám, probouzet lásku k hudbě. Je úžasné mít možnost pomáhat dětem růst a zároveň se od nich učit.

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-15 at 16.12.05


School Assistant

Vystudovala jsem střední uměleckou školu a teď momentálně studuji vysokou školu v anglickém jazyce. Už od svých 12 let hlídám své tři malé sourozence a díky tomu jsem se dostala k hlídání dětí a pořádání dětských oslav. Děti mám moc ráda a ráda s nimi komunikuji. Rozumíme si. Díky času strávenému s dětmi se na malou chvilku sama vrátím k dětství. S dětmi ráda kreativně tvořím, a věřím, že v každém z nás je důležité si naši dětskou kreativní stránku zachovat co nejdéle.



School Assistant

I když jsem si jako dítě nikdy sama sebe nepředstavovala ve školce, tato práce s dětmi mě však nejen baví a naplňuje, ale také mi otevírá nové obzory. Působení ve školce není jen o dohledu nad dětmi, vyžaduje také kreativitu, schopnost získat si autoritu a vymýšlení různých aktivit pro děti. Ve svém volném čase dokončuji studium radiologického asistenta a sociálního pedagoga a v budoucnu bych velmi ráda zůstala v oblasti práce s dětmi. Těším se na spolupráci s dětmi ve školce EduArt a na příležitost potkávat se s dětmi a se zajímavými lidmi.

Jitka Hadravová



I am the mother of an adult daughter, but the time when she was exploring the world as a child was the most beautiful. And that's why I've been working for the little ones for the seventh year and I'm happy among them. In my spare time I read, grow orchids, herbs at the cottage in the summer and wander in the forest.